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Passion fruit in pure honey plus magnesium citrate | COOL & EASY

Passion fruit in pure honey plus magnesium citrate | COOL & EASY

Regular price $40.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 USD
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Nutritional supplement containing a mixture of honey, psyllium extract and magnesium citrate.

Helps to calm down and reduce stress and anxiety. Contains components that inhibit processes related to depression, relaxes and contributes to reducing blood pressure.

Ingredients: pure bee honey, passion flower extract, magnesium citrate, orange essential oil, grapefruit essential oil.

Honey - contains flavonoids and polyphenols, which act as antioxidants. Has a protective effect in the treatment of a variety of diseases affecting the respiratory system, the immune system, the digestive system and the cardiovascular system.
Passion fruit - Passion fruit is known for its ability to calm the nervous system and reduce mental stress, in addition it may contribute to muscle relaxation in the body and thus promote a general sense of relaxation.
Magnesium - inhibits the processes related to depression, relaxes and contributes to reducing blood pressure.
Grapefruit oil - calms the digestive system, reduces appetite, increases the feeling of satiety and reduces body weight. Reduces anxiety, depression and stress. Improves the population of natural bacteria in the intestines, reduces stress and lowers blood pressure levels.
Orange oil - improves mood, anti-depressant and stress reliever. Reduces pain and inflammatory processes, especially in the digestive system. improves digestive processes.


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